Training camp debrief
<p>There is no off-season when it comes to training camps! Once your training camp experts have made sure that your training camp went off without a hitch, it’s now time for you to reflect on the events. When you have a minute to think, use your notes from practices and your current thoughts to put together a list:</p> <ul> <li>What went well, from your initial idea with respect to organisation of the training camp until now?</li> <li>What didn’t go so well? And who is responsible for the individual points, both positive and negative?</li> </ul> <p>Was it the organiser, the hotel manager, the owner of the training pitches, your players, the minders – or perhaps you yourself? Was the SOCCATOURS guide advantageous for you? Were mistakes made which would actually be easy to fix, or is there something fundamentally wrong with a certain destination?</p>
<p><span>Were the individual practices successful? As the trainer, you of course carefully and professionally prepared in advance of the training camp. You planned individual practices, put together exercises and even came up with a few new ones. Please think about which exercises worked particularly well and were well received by your team. Which ones not so much and – in particular – why.</span></p>
<p><span>We already mentioned at the beginning that, due to the spatial and time-related circumstances and the degree of focus on the sport, a football training camp offers an excellent environment for analysing how your team functions. So you need to consider the following: How did the players behave? Did the team function as a whole, or did the players form small groups? Did individual players distance themselves from the team? Did anyone grow into the role of team leader from whom you wouldn’t have expected it? Which conclusions should you draw from this?</span></p>
<p><span>Did you do everything right? Did you spend enough time talking to your players to make it clear where you want to take the team? Were you a good teacher? Did you make psychological mistakes? Did you try out special tricks and gimmicks? Which ones worked and which ones not? Were there any situations in which you should have stepped in? What could you improve about yourself otherwise? Try to draw conclusions from everything that happened.</span></p>
<p><span lang='EN-GB'>Your training camp is over and you have drawn your conclusions. Who else might be interested in your experience? Believe us when we say that the webmaster or the social media team of your club’s website and the editor of your stadium magazine will surely thank you if you provide them with fresh and interesting content. But take it a step further. Think about whether your report might also be of interest to your regional newspaper, a football magazine in your region or a relevant website.<o:p></o:p></span></p> <p><span lang='EN-GB'>A positive perception from outside is important, and this gives you opportunity to do some work in this regard. The better you present your club to the public and the more professional the presentation appears to outsiders, the easier it will be in the future for you to gain sponsors.<o:p></o:p></span></p> <p><span lang='EN-GB'>Just take a look at the reporting of the Bundesliga teams, for instance FC Bayern Munich: they even report on each and every practice, and there are multiple press conferences per week. The media managers of the professional teams have recognised that their motto has to be ‘<strong>always remain a topic of conversation</strong>’. Because the top teams amongst the fans will also be top amongst the sponsors. If you make good use of the money you’ve earned from sponsors, investing it in your team and thereby increasing their performance, you will gradually improve your club and take it to the next level.<o:p></o:p></span></p>
<p><span lang='EN-GB'>For us, it is extremely important to receive your feedback regarding the training camp – on both the positive as well as negative aspects. We use this information for more than just improving our service and that of the providers at the destinations. Your personal testimonial also appears on our website and can be a valuable help to your coach colleagues in making future decisions – for and against the destination which you visited.<o:p></o:p></span></p> <p><span lang='EN-GB'>Let us know how satisfied you were with us! You can do this easily by filling in our corresponding online <strong>feedback form</strong>. We look forward to your input!<o:p></o:p></span></p>